Say aloha to liquid oasis in a can.

A CBD sparkling water that tastes like a sunny day at the beach (even in your backyard).

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A floating hand with a can that reads "Lei Back" floating up and down


A tropical flavored, zero calorie, hemp-derived CBD sparkling water for the days you’re just looking for a moment. (Man, was that a mouthful or what?)

Non GMO • Vegan Friendly • Gluten Free • Zero Calories • Made With Hemp Grown in the U.S. • All Natural • 

Why Hemp-Derived CBD?

Using hemp-derived CBD assures us that there will never be a chance of THC being introduced to our drinks - but it CBD will still give you all the “ahhs” with every sip.
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A charcoal dawing of a flower A charcoal dawing of a flower